10 Ways to Take Care of Your Injured Pet

Whether you’re an avid pet owner or just had one fall into your lap, there’s always the chance that your pet could get injured at some point during his or her life. However, knowing how to take care of your injured pet can make all the difference in the world when it comes to their speedy recovery and complete health. Here are 10 simple ways to help keep your pet on track with their recovery once they’ve been injured.

1) Ice

There are a number of reasons your vet might recommend ice for your pet’s injury, but most commonly it’s used to prevent swelling. To get started, soak a washcloth in cold water, wring it out, and lay it over your pet’s injured area. Check in 30 minutes later and re-soak if needed. Repeat until swelling has subsided.

2) Keep your pet comfortable

Animals know when they’re hurting and they don’t deserve to suffer. Keep your pet comfortable during an injury by ensuring he has easy access to water, a soft place to lay down, food, and any necessary medications. If at all possible, you should avoid taking your pet back outside until he has fully recovered from his injuries.

3) Treat any open wounds

Make sure your pet’s wound is clean and free from infection. To help prevent infection, don’t go for bandages that need to be changed daily—instead, opt for more frequent (and less stinky) cleaning with saline solution. Here are some easy-to-follow instructions on how to wrap a wound.

4) Keep your pet away from their immediate surroundings

Depending on how severe your pet’s injury is, you may need to take your pet elsewhere for medical treatment. The last thing you want is for them to get their bandages wet or become stressed by new people and unfamiliar surroundings. However, if you don’t have access to a vet, then it’s best that you try and treat your animal at home.

5) Consider contacting a vet or wildlife center

If you’re not comfortable dealing with an injury on your own, contact a vet or wildlife center and ask for their advice. If you don’t know where to go in your area, try calling a pet store near you—they may have a good recommendation! Make sure to keep any animal that is sick or injured warm and sheltered; don’t move it unless absolutely necessary.

6) Feed your pet if they’re not eating enough on their own

If your dog isn’t interested in eating, you may need to give him a few more spoonfuls at each meal. Gradually build up to feeding him as much as he’d normally eat if he wasn’t sick. As your pet feels better, you can go back to feeding him his regular amount. But if after 24 hours he still isn’t eating enough on his own, it’s time for a vet visit.

7) Follow instructions given by the veterinarian

Veterinarians can be a huge help when it comes to taking care of an injured pet. They’ll provide detailed instructions on how and when to feed your pet, what medications he or she should take, etc. Listening to their advice can help you take care of your animal better while they heal.

8) Stay positive about recovery!

It’s important to stay positive about your pet’s recovery. Making sure your pet is happy and healthy will also help speed up his or her healing process. Plus, you might find that having a friend with benefits will actually save you money in veterinary bills. Even if your pet isn’t well enough for exercise yet, check out these ways you can still have fun with him or her

9) Get Professional Help if Necessary

As pet parents, we often don’t have time to take care of a sick animal. If your pet is injured or becomes ill and requires veterinary attention, seek out quality professional help as soon as possible. The sooner you can get your fur baby into treatment, the better his or her chances are for a full recovery! Here’s how you can tell if your dog or cat needs medical attention

10) Don’t be shy about asking for help or advice from others

It’s okay to ask a vet, friend or family member if they know how best to treat your pet. You can also seek out free advice on message boards, forums and websites (some are even written by vets!). Remember that everyone is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all treatment plan when it comes to taking care of your pet’s injury. It is important that you listen closely and adhere closely to what doctors tell you is best for your pet.

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