Top 7 Things Your Pet Hates About You

While most people choose to share their lives with animals, there’s always that small chance that the two of you won’t get along. Even though you love your pet and they love you, there are some things you do that drive them up the wall! Here are seven of the biggest pet peeves of your pet, so you can make an effort to avoid them in the future. Hopefully your two-legged family member will be more thankful!

1) They hate that you feed them

It’s hard not to love your pet. But they don’t always feel the same way about you. Sometimes, it seems like they hate you…even though they can’t possibly know how much you love them. Is it all in their heads? Or are there signs that your dog or cat really does hate you, no matter how much you lavish them with attention and affection?

2) They hate it when you interrupt their sleep cycle

Pets love their sleep just as much as humans. In fact, they spend most of their day sleeping, since it’s a rare occasion when their daily energy needs are met. That’s why you should do your best to keep your pets well-rested by not waking them during their naptime or bedtime hours.

3) They hate it when you come home late at night

A pet spends its whole day waiting for you to come home. As soon as you walk through that door, they’re all over you, wanting attention and affection. And it can get pretty annoying when they start rubbing their scent on your clothes and marking their territory on everything in sight—but that just shows how much they love you!

4) They hate your medication smells

The smell of their owner’s drugs is just as bad to pets as it is to people. They hate you leaving them alone: When you leave your dog, cat or hamster home alone, they feel sad and often have anxiety. They hate being left without food or water: If your pet runs out of food and water before you come back home, he/she will be hungry for sure. This could take a toll on his health.

5) They hate it when you don’t take them outside

If you work all day and don’t have time to take your pet outside to relieve itself, get a timer that turns on a light or radio when it’s time for your pet to go outside. After a few days of training, your pet will associate going out with something pleasant (like hearing music) and will be more inclined to relieve itself as soon as it hears that cue.

6) They hate when you leave their bowls full after they eat

Pets appreciate routine, and they expect that after they’ve eaten you’ll clear their bowl. They also appreciate cleanliness. If your pet expects you to tidy up after them, and you don’t do it consistently, they might feel unappreciated or unloved. This could potentially lead to destructive behavior—not a good thing!

7) They hate the way you use your phone in front of them

If you’re talking on your cell phone, and your pet is sitting next to you, then chances are he or she will begin to pester you for attention. Pets crave affection from their owners, which is why they’ll often try to get in between whatever it is that has you occupied. But by playing with your pet while using your phone (or doing anything else), we can make sure that our pets don’t hate us as much as they otherwise would.

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